31 December 2005

New Year's Eve & Day

Hello, 2006. I hope you are a nice year without too much drama and pain. I also hope that you bring lots of happiness to other people, especially, well, the wretched of the Earth--people like John and Ville, Mark and Suzy, Eric and Carla, Peter and Mamiko, Christopher and Anne, Sebas and Claudia.


I'm obviously kidding.

I wanted to see how alert you people are. I don't blame you actually for falling asleep or tuning me out and, simply and most heart-wrenchingly, deleting me from your favorites list or blocking me. That would be very sad.

Today, then, I plan to finish my final paper for Wolfgang and Katrine's class--my topic is how the Internet has empowered civil society groups, moving all of us into (ahem): multistakeholderism. This we will explore next time.

For now, file it away for later.

On another matter, I saw a very interesting article today in the International Herald Tribune on a kind of renaissance being experienced by the City of London, which is going from :stodgy” to, well, more hip, apparently.

I sent the link to this article to a few people who I know for a fact are going to London next year for their specialism: AP, CH, KR and DC.

(BTW, something is wrong with my interface here and so I have limited functionality at blogger.com. The link for the article on London in the IHT is:
http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/12/30/business/wbcity.php. My apologies!

30 December 2005


Many apologies for the two-month lapse. Novemeber was a busy month academically, and December felw by -- time filling up raidly with final classes, some extra-curricular activities, as well as final preparations for my move to Brussels and, later, Amsterdam.

See you in 2006.